A few photos of our sweet Samuel... and of course, a medical update :)
I also got to paint mom and dad a picture! George and Olivia are sure going to be jealous!
Samuel is doing so well! After a bad CT scan of his lungs, followed by two weeks of paralysis (beginning July 10th) and not being sure he would ever come home, on July 23rd we were given the good news that the medical team was becoming more optimistic (a quick recap :). It was the hardest two weeks of our lives. When they lifted the paralysis Samuel began to stir almost right away... even though he was still heavily sedated. DB and I saw his eyes open for the very first time in two weeks on July 24th. It was the most incredible feeling!
Since then, Samuel has had a few ups and downs... but mostly ups with just a few dips :) He is still on the JET ventilator - the one that gives lots of little puffs of air (he's currently getting 320 small breaths/minute), he is weening off a few meds for some slight pulmonary hypertension, and we are keeping an eye on some ventricles in his head that appear to be a little swollen. He has also regained strength in his eyes since waking up from the paralysis... for the first few weeks his eyes tended to go a little screwy when he got tired. It's got to be nice to be able to see straight again! Samuel has also had a few high temps and some skin irritation, but nothing we're too worried about.
All in all... things are good! Prayer is amazing! Our goal is for him to come home around his 1st birthday, at the end of January. Samuel is a fighter!
**I get the question... "So, is Samuel better?" a lot, and unfortunately there's not a great answer for this. He is doing much better! But, we are still in a scary place... bottom line - he is in intensive care and will be for a while. The medical team is very optimistic, as are we. I wish there were more specifics, but that's about the best answer I have. We'll take it :) **