Thursday, April 2, 2009

Byrne Family

That's right! Our very first family photo!!! It was a FANTASTIC day, as you can probably guess :) Our babies were together again for the first time since they were born, 9 weeks ago!

There are four different nurseries in the hospital... the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NNICU), then the Special Care Nursery (SCN), then the Level 2 Nursery, then the regular nursery - not sure what they call it - the one for giant babies who go home two days after they're born :) All of our babies started in the NNICU, and a few weeks ago Olivia and George were transferred to the SCN. Today, Samuel was transferred to the SCN!!! It was such a wonderful surprise! He also came out of his isolet and into a radiant warmer (more of an open bed, but with the ability to warm the baby with a heat lamp from above). With Olivia out of isolation (yea!), and both she and George in open cribs, and Samuel in the radiant warmer - we were able to all climb into Samuel's bed to get our first group photo :)

Samuel is now a little more than 3 pounds, Olivia is a little more than 5 pounds, and George is more than 5 1/2 pounds. Too funny, we thought Olivia and George were tiny... until we laid them all together :) But our little man, Samuel, is growing by the day!

I'm not going to lie... DB and I both had tears in our eyes :)

I'm guessing this is a sign of things to come... one covering the face, one with one eye closed, and one not even looking at the camera! But they sure are cute :)

LOVE the babies! Together at last :)

The Byrne Family... of five!


Rikki said...


Such precious pictures! You guys are the perfect little family. Thank you SO much for sharing!

PRentz said...

What wonderful awesome pictures! This is so exciting! And for Samuel to graduate out of NICU is fantastic!!!
Thank you for the great news and pictures! Go God!


Meredith, Victoria and Vaughn said...

OMG!!! i love it! they look perfect together what a moment (and many more to come) they are perfect, beautiful and everything in between!!!!!!!! CONGRATS! on beautiful babies that get more and more healthy everyday!SMILE MOM and DAD your doing AWESOME!

Lindsey said...

what beautiful pictures! and what great news that they are continuing to grow and develop (yea samuel!). you guys look awesome. much love to you FIVE!

Mo and Do said...

When I saw these pictures I was in complete AWE. Struck down speechless and then the waterworks and the laughing happened spontaneously. These babies and this family and these parents and Bethany and David are all together incredible. Even Scout & Belle.
I am really getting fit with so much to dance about. Mo - temporary name for Betty

Emily Ruth said...

awwww... i miss my babies!!! :) give george and olivia BIG kisses from the favorite nurse, "aunt emmy"! see y'all hopefully sometime this week in the fabulous place that brought us together ;) take care of those sweeties!!