Friday was the actual birthday, but we used it more as preparation for the birthday party. We practiced singing Happy Birthday and telling how old we are :)
Saturday was party day! The theme was simple... Three Babies, Two Years, ONE HOME! Hard to believe our babies are two, almost even more amazing how far they have come in a year. Click here to revisit Birthday #1 :)
It was perfect weather and the perfect crowd! (A relatively small crowd - we still have to be super careful about exposing Samuel to germs so we limited it to people who have been over in the last month, who unfortunately are also screened. But we have lots of therapists so that lengthened the invite list - ha ha! It's actually pretty humbling to see just how many people are intimately involved in helping our babies.) Photos below...
Sunday we got to spend with Omi, Uncle Jay, Favorite Cousin Madison, and Linda and had even more birthday! The kiddos got breakfast bagel treats and presents to open :) Plus, lots of play time with the family. Another great day!
The best way to tell the story of the birthday party... in photos (thank you Laura!):
Birthday Cake!
Samuel: Olivia, what is this stuff?
Olivia: I think it's cake?
George: Guys, I think we're supposed to be smiling!
Babies wondering why they're the only people sitting down
and everyone is staring at them :)

Olivia: I think it's cake?
George: Guys, I think we're supposed to be smiling!

I'm pretty sure that's the only cake she ate,
on that one little finger :)
he used the candle as a spoon :)
Ha ha! I love these three - they are so wonderful, and so different from each other!
Family Photo! George, could you eat any more cake?
Family Photo! George, pause with the cake for a minute please...
Family Photo! Well, at least George was finally ready :) Smiling AND telling us he's two!
in eating any... but was interested in chewing on
one of his favorite forks :)

After the cake, it was time to play, play, play!
Mo - the outfits ROCKED!!!
Who needs more matching blue checkered shirts and a pink dress?
Signing "more"... which is almost always followed by "please " :)
Sorry Samuel, it's another year before the next birthday!