Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Our SECOND Easter together as a family!  I love seconds :) 

No church yet, but we may be able to start going in June - fingers are crossed.  What I mean is that we may be able to go as a family in June, I can't lie, it makes it tougher to get there when it's not a family thing.  But Samuel's pulmonologist said the kiddos might be able to go to the church nursery as soon as June!  No promises, but lots of hope :)  Just that it's a possibility is huge!  Our babies have never been with a group of kids inside... they've done the park, but no organized, inside activities, it was just too risky.  The joys of immune deficiency, boo.

On to the real joys... of Easter!  YEA!

Group photo! 

Well, almost... Omi, Cousin Madison, and Uncle Jay were here to celebrate with us, too.  Always fun to be together :)

Lots of smiles from George after the new Easter trucks from Mo and Do :)

Samuel showing off his skills! 
The boy loves to cruise... on the couch, on the coffee table, even balancing on the kitchen cabinets.  He is such a rock star!  Next step, pulling to stand...
we're working on it!
Hello Miss Olivia, may I take your photo?
I'm pretty sure she said , "I suppose..."
Fun with Uncle Jay :) 
We loved sharing our new signs too, until "someone" started making up new signs... I'm pretty sure the sign for Easter has nothing to do with eggs or a bunny!


Fun with Madison!


Fun with Mommy! 

On to the Easter Baskets!
Go figure, even at this age, they passed right by the clothing and on to the toys, sheesh!
My favorite part of this photo might be Omi - see her?
George put them on himself! 

As I was taking these photos of my children in their Easter basket glasses, I realized... wow, I am my mothers child :)  Mo, you might have the monopoly on the hats, but I'm moving up the cheesy accessory foodchain!
Samuel, my man who loves sunglasses, was not interested in these lens-less pairs :)
Mama: Olivia, let me take your photo in your new glasses!
Olivia: No, thank you.
Madison: Olivia, smile at Mommy in your new glasses!
Olivia: Cheese!

And finally, the Easter Egg hunt!  Not sure if Olivia was just watching Daddy, or getting a preview of where to find the eggs :)  Regardless, we think she is absolutely beautiful!

Olivia's strategy was simple, place the basket in a central location and then run around collecting as many eggs as possible and run back to put them in the basket.  Much easier to run without holding your basket in your hand!
Showing off her collection of eggs :)
Oops!  George was such a big helper when Olivia's basket tipped over... then we realized he was pulling the "one for you, one for me" trick.  Ha ha!

George's approach was much more traditional, carry the basket and collect the eggs :)  He loved it!

Showing off his collection of eggs :)
Omi, the baskets were awesome!
Samuel, on the other hand, found the idea of collecting eggs in a basket a little silly.  After checking out an egg, he decided to head back to his outside toys for some fun :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lucky Us!

The local newspaper ran an article yesterday about the March of Dimes, and because we are the Ambassador Family this year they sent out a photographer to take our photo.  I can't lie, I was a bit nervous!  Without someone jumping around in the background making everyone look in the right direction and somewhat smile, you just never know what will happen.

I am happy to report every looked at the photographer, there are no crossed eyes, and no one cried!  Woo Hoo!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Coincidence of 4/16

Coincidence... otherwise known in the thesaurus as: accident, chance, luck, fluke, or twist of fate, just to name a few.  I don't think April 16th really matches these...

The definition of Coincidence seems more appropriate... A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

April 16th is the March of Dimes walk in which our family is participating...
April 16th was also the original due date of our babies, born on January 28th :) 
I doubt that is an accident or a fluke. 
It does however seem planned or arranged!

Maybe another reminder of the importance of the March of Dimes! 
Maybe a reminder to me of all that prematurity has brought with it these last two years,
               and all that our incredible babies have overcome! 
Maybe just a reminder...

Please consider a donation to the March of Dimes!  For every $1 raised, $.93 goes directly towards research and programs to help babies have a healthy start!  Since 1938, the March of Dimes has benefited every baby in some way, and some babies (like ours) in many ways.

April 16th, here we come!  It may not be our birthday, but because of the March of Dimes, we have three birthdays to celebrate.

First trip to the beach as a Party of 3!
No trache means the sand is okay - woo hoo! 
Although, while Olivia and George were all about the sand,
Samuel was all about the ocean... check out the direction of their eyes :)

More beach photos to come, but for now it's about the celebration of being together!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Month Off = More Time To Ride

We have an entire month OFF of traveling to MUSC! Back to firsts, this is definitely one of them! Actually, if you also consider me going to the high risk doctors before they were born... Geez! We're probably talking nearly 2 1/2 years. An entire month off!!!

This is cause for celebration, but let's be honest, it also causes me a bit of anxiety. I know, sad. I love our doctors and the information they give us - good or bad. I feel like the more we know, the better we can help our kiddos... and can help them to stay out of trouble.  But, you know it's bad when your doctor foresees it will cause you anxiety so he gives you a heads up that soon he won't need to see you Samuel as often :)  For example, ever since Samuel came home we have seen our pulmonary doctor every 3 weeks... that's every 3 weeks for the last year.  Isn't Dr. B so lucky :)  Ha ha!  Now it's every 6 weeks, and if our next appointment goes well, it could be 3 months before we see him again.  Ugh, it almost makes me nauseous to think of not seeing him for 3 months.  Don't get me wrong, I'll get over it, but I am incredibly thankful for the heads up :)

With all of our extra time, my gang hopes to improve their skills on their new rides (thank you Omi!)...

The cutest biker crew I ever did see... but don't tell them I said that :)

 I love my bicycle!

I love my bicycle!

I love my bicycle???

You're right Dad, this thing is pretty cool :)