Friday, March 12, 2010

Baby Crack

No, this does not refer to baby bottoms :) It actually refers to a slight baby addiction from which George and Olivia are suffering. But don't worry, weaning then seems to be going well!

If you couldn't tell, I'm feeling the need to post a few light and fluffy updates and this one fits the bill. Warning, there will be more :)

I'll introduce "the table" slowly...

I know, seems pretty innocent... but wait, there is a second half to "the table"...

"The table" in all it's glory! I know it sounds crazy, but if this thing is out, all of the other toys are neglected. It plays really fun songs too (sense the sarcasm)... if you've been to our house I'm about to get a song stuck in your head :) You can choose - "Hello! The phone is ringing so I say Hello..." or "1, 2, 3... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... then there's 9, counting's really great..." or "Busy, busy, busy, busy, there's so much to do..." Ha ha! I'm convinced one of those was the first song O & G danced to :)

We now bring the table out only 1-2 times a day... the other toys are much happier. Note that in this photo there are no other toys on the floor...

... later that day, still no other toys have been played with. Sad that even with such an addiction, George and Olivia seem so happy :)

Lynn, this table is awesome - we really do love the hours of entertaiment it has provided. Thank you!

Even though I feel like posting light-hearted stuff, our hearts are still sad that Samuel is back in the hospital. We hoped it would be a very short stay, but things continue to pop up. Since the mucus plug on Sunday that I wrote about, Samuel got a little sickness... not sure what it was, but in general his white blood count and heart rate were up and his bi-carb and labs were off. The docs are great and with different treatments we seem to be getting back on track again. Yea! We are hoping for a meeting next week about a discharge plan, which would be awesome! That doesn't mean he will come home next week, but we are hoping to put in place the criteria he will need to reach in order to consider coming home again. I like having plans, even if they are tentative... after all, as we have learned, Samuel is on his own schedule :)

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

we have a similar table and all three have loved it! was really looking forward to possibly meeting g and o this week. maybe this summer i can meet all three!