Saturday, July 2, 2011

What a Wonderful Day... from DB!

BB:  “Hey DB, do you want to blog tonight? It’s so much fun!  And therapeutic, too!”

DB: “I don’t know BB.  I don’t see how I could top the fun I had changing 7.5 diapers today.”

BB: “.5 of a diaper?”

DB: “Don’t ask.”

This is a fairly common conversation in the Byrne household (Babyland).  To be honest, BB has a lot more energy than I do.  I believe during the 14 months Samuel was in the NNICU some of the steroids, through osmosis, entered her body.  By the time all of the fun and excitement at our house ends, at roughly 9 p.m., I like to sit on the couch and watch TV, while BB blogs.  Actually, it has always been my intention to blog.  I was simply waiting for a truly momentous occasion. 

You might be thinking, “It’s been over 2 years.  The birth of your children?  Bringing O and G home for the first time after nine weeks in the NNICU?  Samuel’s miraculous recovery?  Samuel’s de-canulation?  O and G’s first steps?  First words?  Samuel’s first steps?  Samuel’s first signs?  Do you not consider these events worthy of blogging?”  Perhaps.  But what happened today truly brought tears to my eyes.  Not that the other events didn’t, it’s just that I got a little more choked upped today than usual.  I know the suspense is probably killing you so I will cut to the chase.

On July 2, 2011, Samuel Wright Byrne made his first trip to Wal-Mart!  (In fact, it was his first shopping trip anywhere... ever!)  The first of many I assure you.  I have never seen the little guy so happy especially when we checked out the cool BB guns in sporting goods.

BB was right – Blogging is fun!  But not as much fun as a trip to Wal-Mart with my children!

DB and Samuel all smiles!
(Thank you Sam Walton!)

Not sure what's better, the fact that it's so obviously Wal-Mart because of the massive cases of drinks in the background, that DB was feeling good enough to push a cart around Wal-Mart today (please don't tell his cardiologist), or that we need two carts if we ever want to take a family grocery trip :)  Ha ha!

1 comment:

Mo and Do said...

David you are a good writer! Your sense of humor came through - the tears added a warm touch. We could picture you and Samuel standing in Sporting Goods with tears in your eyes. Please add more often. I say slow down DB and Do says your belly is so so gone.