Monday, November 28, 2011


I mentioned a few weeks ago that we've been going on lots of adventures lately ("bentures")... one of which is to the Sands.  The Sands is a public dock and little beach located a few blocks from George and Olivia's school.  On days like the one pictured below, we pick up G and O and head down for a little sand-in-the-toes time :)  Obviously these were taken from the week of Halloween (gotta love the festive shirts!)... although it did warm back up a little lately, so we've been hitting the Sands often trying to soak it up before it gets cold again!

The entire family loves Bentures!

 S is for Samuel! 
Olivia and George love letters!  Actually, they love guessing what the word is... in their world, S usually stands for Samuel, one of their three S-name friends, or School :)

 Olivia used the wide-open space to show us her new ballerina dance :)
Have no clue where she learned about a ballerina dance!

 Daddy: I love this kid!

 Samuel: I love this daddy!

 Love you too :)

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